SO, Saturday night as Hannah is playing with some of her friends, she suddenly starts to cry. I run to her and she says her knee hurts.
I look at it.
It looks fine.
I put her down.
She collapses unable to stand up.
Upon closer inspection one knee does look a little swollen.
She then sits in her Daddy's lap the rest of the evening and won't play. If you know Hannah, you know this is WEIRD. Beyond Weird. Crazy WEIRD!
Chris and I think she just fell and it will be better in the morning after some rest. All day Sunday and all day Monday Hannah is limping and randomly falling as she is walking every now and then because her knee seems too weak at time to carry her. She even does this in the middle of the night when she gets up to go the bathroom and when no one is looking. SO, we are sure she is not just doing it for attention.
Last night Chris takes Hannah to the doctor and here is her X-Ray.
An Occult Salter 1 Fracture, which Chris describes to me as a fracture you can not see.? The doctor said that he knows it is there because the distance between the growth plate and the bone is too big. Everyone see it? Everyone get it?
Yeah, me either.
Anyway, we choose to try to keep her off her leg on our own instead of having a cast. Let's just say that it has not been that fun today. And let's just say that I really feel like I need to be off my feet too. I need to lay around and watch movies and eat my favorite foods. I should really be taking advantage of this and maybe I will over the next couple of days but ... Today ... the first day of this whole thing. I am lounging. I feel exhausted even though I am not the one hurt. Craziness. I know.
SO, the Lesson Learned, you ask, is what, exactly??
LESSON LEARNED:When your Mommy and Daddy tell you not to jump on the bed because you could get hurt. They Mean It!!