Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Discovery #1
You can not edit font on your blog! My last entry I thought I would experiment with font. I don't like what I did and I have tried to change it at least 10 times and nothing! Font is not something you can edit!

Discovery #2
www.rightbankbabies.com. I read about it in a magazine. It is baby clothes and accessories. Of course, it said this is what the celebs children wear so I can not afford anything. BUT I really like these play pants and they have some beautiful reversible dresses! This is the website I go to and dream. Actually, most of the stuff looks easy enough to make. I just wish I could.

1 comment:

Libby said...

Those clothes are expensive! I love the reversible dresses, and they do look easy to make. I would love to make some clothes for Chloe. We should tackle that together...