Hannah opened her stocking (or sock as she calls it) and was very excited but she was very jealous of what Daddy had in his sock. We actually had to hide Chris' stocking from her and she just kept walking around and looking for it saying "where's Daddy's sock go?" Luckily for her Daddy shared one of his gummy lifesavers with her. How sweet.
Then we had our traditional big breakfast. Very fun. My hubby looked so cute in his apron cooking me some bacon, on the stove!
Poor Justus, three days past Christmas and he hasn't emptied his sock (stocking) yet. Hannah's Gummy Life Saver looks like a raspberry the way she is squeezing it so tight.
Chris, Gordon Ramsey would not approve of your chef attair.
Papa Joe
Love the continuation of Christmas pictures...you can't share too many...love to see the Doughtie family. I agree with Joe, not quite sure about that outfit. Hope you get to Justus' "sock" soon and glad Chris is sharing his with Hannah.
Chris - bet the interesting outfit made for great conversation (or whispers) and bet it didn't deter anyone from gobbling up the Christmas breakfast! You go, Chris - make a fashion statement!
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