Well, I said that these were in no particular order and for the rest of the week they are not, however, this one, I must admit is the absolute MOST special to me.
(She has known me the longest, you know!)
My mom is this amazing woman that, if I told you everything wonderful about her, you wouldn't believe me. You would think I made her up. But, she is real. I thank the Lord every single day for that - she is real!!
My mom is one of the most faithful Christian women I know. She is not waved. She is not torn down. She is not luke warm. She is full of Christ every day.
These verses make me think of her: Proverbs 31:25-26
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."She is a list making, laundry doing, hard working, mind reading, loving, cooking, cleaning, listening, idea flowing, hugging, hand holding, bed making, new lingo learning, laughing kind of mom. Growing up I can remember awesome games at birthday parties, never being afraid of bringing my friends home, cold popcorn sitting on the stove, snacks available at all times, singing, WalMart shopping and I could go on and on with the good memories.
I appreciate her for all of the things above but I also appreciate how she talked to me like a human being as I was growing up. I never felt belittled. I appreciated that open communication about anything (and yes, I really mean
anything). I appreciate the love that she has always shown to me in the way she tells me she loves me. I appreciated the emphasis she put on God's word and His light shining in my life. I appreciate her, now, not only as a mom but as my best and most trusted friend outside of my marriage.
To describe or show the kind of or amount of love I have for my mom is really impossible.
I pray, wish, and hope that one day I can be the kind of mom to Hannah and Justus that she was and is to me. I am not there yet, but we will see......