Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Sunday Pictures

Today was a weird one. Justus woke up with a fever so that is why there is no picture of the two of them together and that is why Justus is in his PJs - because he was in them all day.

Justus is OK. We are going to the doc tomorrow.

What a day.


Unknown said...

We missed you two today and are so sorry little cutie pie had his fever. Savannah would run a fever when she was teething...hope that's it...will pray! Love you!

Thank you Hannah for sitting with me for supper! I loved sharing my chips/dip, "little hot dogs" (lil smokies) with you! You make me laugh!!

Over here, it's me said...

Nannah and Papa Joe are basking in Marco Island,Florida this week. We really wish that all of you could be here with us. But wait, you will in just a few months. Papa Joe

Justus, sorry you are sick - but, checked in with your Mommy and she says you are much better.
Hannah, I love your picture and your flowers!.....Tell Miss Julie you make me laugh, too!

We Love You All!