Monday, January 18, 2010

Our Sunday Pictures

Sorry that they are late.
If you know what Chris and I did this weekend then you understand.
I am sorry for you that they are late, but I am not sorry I went to bed early last night instead of staying up to blog.

My children and my hubby and I were at the church building more than 2 hours before worship started and my children were literally taken out of their bed and put into the car with their pj's on. So, we (with BIG help from Mrs Pritchett) got them dressed at the church building and took their Sunday pictures at the church building. Craziness I tell you!

But It Was Fun!!


Joni said...

They both look SO grown up! Thanks to "Tennessee Grandmother" for all the help! Great pictures! LY

Wendy said...

Why where you at the church building so early? Hannah and Justus look GREAT!!! Fresh and ready!!!
Aunt Wendy