Friday, May 30, 2008

New Book

Late Bloomer was great! I am so glad I kept with it. It is about a tragic accident that causes memory loss and then the trials of trying to get back the memory of that tragedy. This was different than some of the other Fern Michaels books I have read but I really liked it. There was a couple of parts with some foul language so if you are reading it be prepared.

My Grandmom gave me 6 Love Inspired books that she has read. These included two that are a part of a 3 book series. Grandmom has not quite gotten to the 3rd book yet. SO, I decided to start that series by reading The Best Gift by Irene Hannon. As always, I look forward to the Love Inspired books. They are such easy reading and feel good, I just love 'em.

As always, I will let you know how it is.
(I am so bummed I could not find a bigger picture of the book.)

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