Monday, September 3, 2007

The Varsity and The Pool

Second Stop .... The Varsity. This is one of the, if not THE, biggest hot-dog stands in the world. The Varsity holds a special place in my heart so we try to go there every time we go to Atlanta. This was Hannah's first experience and so, of course, she HAD to have a hot-dog and a hat.

Third Stop .... The Pool. After all that walking we did around Atlanta we had to go back to the hotel and get in the pool to cool off. Chris and I had not taken Hannah to the pool a lot lately and were a little worried that she may forget or not like it as much if we don't keep her familiar with it. To our delight, she still loves it and is still not afraid to stick her face in and blow bubbles. I think Chris is going to have her swimming by next summer... Well, maybe not that soon!


JoniDH said...

Glad Hannah has been introduced to the Varsity - what's a trip to Atlanta without a Varsity hotdog? Did you go to the one downtown?

Mindy said...

Of Course we went to the one down town!! That is THE Vasrsity!! he he! (It was only 2 blocks from Marta - a short walk)